January 29, 2019


Arboretum Ambassador Co-Coordinator
Position Overview
Collaborate with the Arboretum Coordinator to create framework for outreach events both on campus and in public. This LxL team will assist in planning and executing various Arboretum related events and will work closely with the Marketing Co-Coordinators for proper advertising. Arboretum Ambassador’s will also assist with various office related tasks and clerical responsibilities, such as posting on Knight Connect.

  • Time Commitment: 20 hours a week with Federal Work Study OR 10 hours per week OPS (may include weekend work)
  • Salary: $11/hour

For more information please check UCF Arboretum on KnightConnect under forms:
Arboretum Ambassador Co-Coordinator

Arboretum Web Developer
Position Overview
This position is responsible for the coding, design, and layout of a website according to the Arboretum’s specifications. For this position you will also be responsible for the graphic aspect of the site including editing and updating images on the site. Weekly meetings with the Arboretum Administration will be conducted to talk about and review different site edits or creations that have been done.

  • Time Commitment: 20 hours a week with Federal Work Study OR 10 hours per week OPS (may include weekend work)
  • Salary: $11/hour

For more information please check UCF Arboretum on KnightConnect under forms:
Arboretum Web Developer

Arboretum Community Farm and Garden Internship Co-Coordinator
Position Overview
Collaborate with Arboretum Coordinator to create consistent garden planting schedule and recording process. This LxL team will assign interns to lead garden shifts, provide tours of the garden, and be responsible for weekly maintenance of the garden sites. With mentorship of the Arboretum Coordinator and fellow coordinator, develop and implement the garden planting schedule and recording process.

  • Time Commitment: 20 hours a week with Federal Work Study OR 10 hours per week OPS (may include weekend work)
  • Salary: $11/hour

For more information please check UCF Arboretum on KnightConnect under forms:
Arboretum Community Farm and Garden Internship Co-Coordinator

OPS Park Ranger 

  • Lake Wales Ridge State Forest
  • Full-Time Position
  • Pay: $11.37 hourly


This position will be working closely with one to two other OPS employees to manage invasive species that alter natural communities by displacing native species on the state forest. Approximately 90% of this position’s time will be spent in the
field, surveying for invasive species in new locations, monitoring invasive contractors for funded invasive projects, logging areas on a GPS, treating invasive species in the field, and maintaining previously treated infested areas. The remaining 10
% of time is spent mapping the locations on the computer in ArcGis, data entry and equipment maintenance. A small portion of time will also be spent helping with state forest projects such as collecting data for threatened and endangered
plant/animals species, campground campsites/day uses areas maintenance, camping reservations, restoration projects, and occasionally helping with prescribed burning on the state forest.


  • Some knowledge of Excel, Word, ArcGIS would be preferred.
  • This would be an OPS full-time position.
  • Would need to be able to work 10 hours a day for four days a week (Monday through Thursday).

For more information please check:


City of Orlando

The city of Orlando is advertising 3 great opportunities for students to gain experience in Park Management and Urban Forestry. These paid positions can also be used for class credit through internship hours. If you are interested in these
opportunities, please click on the job descriptions below for further information. If you are selected, and would like to explore the possibility of using your position as a paid internship, those credits would be run through the UCF Arboretum.
Contact information for the jobs and potential internship opportunity is included in the postings.

3 City of Orlando jobs:
Parks Department
Lake Eola Park