Arboretum & Sustainability Initiatives Internships

For internships working in one of our teams at ASI, visit our page on Knight Connect! For more information on what each of our teams does, visit our Learning by LeadingTM page. Applications open in the last two months of each semester and will be available under “Forms” on the Arboretum page. You must be logged into Knight Connect to view the available intern applications.

Knight Connect


Other Local Internships & Opportunities

The Center for Global Economic and Environmental Opportunity (GEEO)

Director: James Bacchus 

The Center for Global Economic and Environmental Opportunity (GEEO) at UCF examines the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of sustainability in their relation to global action. By focusing on the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals, various grassroots initiatives, and the interconnectedness of sustainability itself, GEEO aims to explore environmental solutions – both locally and internationally.  

There are opportunities available to work as a Student Fellow or volunteer for GEEO. Contact GEEO at to find out more. 

Fleet Farming

Fleet Farming is a bike-powered urban agriculture program with the goal of transforming underutilized land into productive micro farms. The produce grown is sharecropped with our “farmlette host”, with the excess being sold at local farmers markets. The program is supported by community members who are thinking globally and acting locally by learning and engaging in urban agriculture. Fleet Farming has intern positions and volunteer opportunities, as well as Monthly “Swarm Rides” available to anyone. 


IDEAS For Us is a 501(c) (3) non-profit and United-Nations-accredited charity organization with a presence in over 20 countries around the world. The goal is to help people create innovative solutions (i.e. social enterprises, projects, initiatives, inventions, and campaigns) and fund local action to advance sustainability by addressing problems locally. IDEAS for Us also hosts think tanks open to the public known as “The Hive,” which occur monthly at East End Market.

Available Internship Positions include:

  • Grant Writing
  • IDEAS Orlando Eco-Organizer
  • IDEAS UCF Eco-Organizer
  • International Affairs
  • Farming
  • Greenhouse
City of Orlando’s “The Garden” Program

“The Garden” offers volunteer and internship opportunities where participants can engage students in topics and activities related to gardening, nutrition, and agricultural career exploration. It serves as a hands-on gardening opportunity with the goal of reducing youth crime within in the community. 

Orange Audubon Society

The purpose and dedication of Orange Audubon Society (OAS) is to promote public understanding of, and an interest in, wildlife and the environment that supports it. OAS recognizes the tangible and intangible values in the remaining natural areas of Florida and the world, as well as our responsibility for the conservation of the Earth’s natural ecosystems.

Orange County Environmental Protection Division (eVIP) Program

Orange County’s eVIP program offers internship and volunteer opportunities for those interested in watershed cleanups, storm drain labeling, water samplings, invasive removals, wildlife surveys, education, and other related opportunities. 

Seminole Education, Restoration, and Volunteer (SERV) Program

SERV works to actively restore and educate people on how to protect the waterways and natural areas of Seminole County. The program is volunteer-driven; they complete projects such as lake restoration, invasive species removal and road clean-ups.