
The UCF nature trails are one of the best kept secrets on campus. 14 miles of peaceful Florida habitat await nature lovers who are looking for adventure right outside their front door. These trails explore 20 unique different habitat types, including basin swamps and marshes, scrubby flatwoods, xeric hammock, and wet prairie, to name a few. There are picnic tables throughout these trails where you can enjoy a meal with friends or sit and watch the wildlife. With so many miles of trails, you can spend the day or just a half hour decompressing out in nature.

A Guide to Outdoor Safety & Health


Trail Map

A trail map.

Arboretum Trails Map

A trail location marker.

Lake Claire, Arboretum, and East Parcel Trail Maps

Lake Claire Trails Map

Arboretum Trails Map

East Parcel Trails Map

The trails maps show 3 main natural areas that you can explore. In the northwest corner of campus, a loop around Lake Claire will take you through scrub and baygall communities. Just east of the Arboretum where Scorpius Street intersects Gemini Blvd., the Timothy R. Newman nature pavilion is a great place to gather with a group and grill some food (Pavilion reservation link) and take a hike through Mesic and Scrubby Flatwoods. From the Arboretum trails, you can access the East Parcel trail system which is UCF’s most remote area. All of these systems are managed with prescribed fire, so please be mindful of areas that might be closed due to fire. Florida has a number of venomous snakes that also enjoy these areas so keep an eye out for hazards on the trail, and call the Florida Poison Information Network if you are struck (1-800-222-1222).

Interested in tours of our Arboretum, please visit our Tours page for more information.

For events and scheduled tours, please check our calendar.