“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi

The university defines a volunteer as:

An unpaid individual who freely offers his or her services to the University of Central Florida without any expectation of receiving pay, compensation, or other benefits, including future employment with the university, in order to support the activities and mission of the university and/or gain experience in specific endeavors.

To volunteer with us please visit Environmental Health & Safety’s Risk Management online form to fill out a Volunteer Service Agreement. Regardless of age, all volunteers are required to complete the form. We ask that volunteers under the age of 18 to print and bring with them a hard copy of the form signed by their guardian.


Please follow the directions below

Using the under 18 or the 18 and older volunteer waiver –

Department of Assignment: Arboretum

Building Site: Arboretum Office

Volunteer Name: Your Name

Volunteer Email: Your Email

Supervisor: Kelsie Johnson

Supervisor Email: kelsie.johnson@ucf.edu

Supervisor Phone Number: 407-823-3583

Will the volunteer event involve minor participants: Select option no.

Will the volunteer access any lab, participate in any research activity, or operate any research equipment: Select option no.

Name of Organization: UCF Arboretum

Start Date: Set a start date.

Location and Description of Duties (*Choose only 3*): mulching, weeding, removal of invasive plants, digging, planting trees, organic fertilization, watering, making oyster mats, pruning, plant propagation, seeding


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For questions or concerns, please contact us at arboretum@ucf.edu